after three days of studying trip, finally i come back from Malaysia!!!

this pic taken while i'm sleeping!!

inside the toilet...

on way to KL!!!

Michael y u keep holding to yr passport?? lol!!


Michael!! do u know tt is very rude to close yr eyes while taking pics!!

Diao.... no link.

no comment...

observing the tire..... diao...

while waiting 4 them....

reaching KL!!

nice pic!! thanks michael!!

1st visit!! the chocolate factory!!

in the hotel.... me & my room mate!!

my room!!

the ferrif wheel!!

inside the ferrif wheel!!!

can u c the twin tower?

buying our dinner....

2nd day!!

having breakfast in the hotel!!

do, ra, me?

michael!! can u look at the cam while taking pics??!! haha!!

i look enthu sia!! haha!!

my paper rocket!! cool uh??!! lol!!

Fantastic 4? lol!!

preparing the "rocket"!!

mechancial enggineering!!

on the way to KLCC!!


do we look alike?

wat the.... haha!!

colours & shadow....


wow!! root beer float!!

ice-cream wafflers!! wow!! yummy!!

look at our messy room!! haha!!

last pic before we booked out!!

then we went the aircraft sch?


this is my first time i get to sit inside the plane!!

wow lau!! extra sia!!

michael i don wan to eat la!!

ok la!! i eat la!!

oh my god!! whose hand??!!