A lame & funny love story!!.......
Xiao bai n steph!!! the ANGELS couple!!
a loving couple!!
Sometimes they willl also fight over a small thing…(althought they r loving!!)
Steph: er… sorry... We didn’t order this….
Xiao bai: Wow!! FREE one arh!! If free, then we take!! Haha!!
Waiter: but someone order this leh!! Faster la!! Wan or don wan!!
Steph: er… then may I nod who order this??
Waiter: sorry!! i cannot tell leh!!
Xiao bai: bloodly hell!! U better tell!! If not, we complain to yr boss!!
Waiter: ok la ok la!! tell u all la but u all act blur ok!!
Xiao bai: faster la!!
Steph: oh…. thanks for telling us. But y he do that?? We donno him leh!!
Waiter: how I nod sia!! Go ask him la!!
Then steph decided to ask him
N he confness to steph!!! OH MY GOD!!!

Xiao bai: steph can u pls explain to me, wat is this guy doing here??
Steph: well, cant u c? he is my new bf….
Xiao bai: WTF!!
Xiao bai: ni ai wo hai shi tar??
Steph: I donno…. i… I…
Nic: hey let go of her la!! She wan me la!!
Steph: AIYA!! I wan both la!!
Xiao bai:??
In end the three of them live happy ever after!!!

Xiao bai: steph can u pls explain to me, wat is this guy doing here??
Steph: well, cant u c? he is my new bf….
Xiao bai: WTF!!
Steph: I donno…. i… I…
Nic: hey let go of her la!! She wan me la!!
Steph: AIYA!! I wan both la!!
Xiao bai:??
Thanks to all the actors!!
Thanks to all the actors!!
Mostly important is the person who create this story!! Haha!!
pics taken at ikea (alexandra)!!