Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
the sun is so bright,
my eyes can't even open wide.
but nothing is better than,
my cool icy chocolate mint
ice cream!!! damn shiok sia!!!
relaxing, listening to music....
and this is life man!!
when its time to rest,
u have to rest.
when its to relaxes,
u have to relaxes.... n
enjoy yr life. I'm enjoying now
before my working life starts again(:
Yesterday is past,
Tomorrow is a surprise,
Today is a gift.
u will never know what
will happen tomorrow.
so live your life as there's
is no tomorrow.
then u will find it more
meaningful each day!
I went town to meet up with peiyi n tt pig as i also need to pass my ah ma's death cert to my manager. as i walk into my ex shop,its feel so unfamiliar, weird feeling. that is the place tt i used to spent most my time at there. its like my second home, but i not sure y i having the weird feeling as i step into the shop.
Anyway, tt's not important. Wat's makes me feel the most, is when the "Auntie" of the pushcart owner told me tt she so not used to it, for not seeing me working in tt shop!! seriously i was like laughing inside!! a bit touched by what she say. haha!! then she keep telling me tt which ever company, employs me is really damn lucky!! haha!! tt auntie really make my day sia!!! haha!!!
After my late lunch/ early dinner @ cine, we walked all the way to city hall! damn tiring sia!!! haha!! then the girls enjoy their window shopping, while i keep yawning all the along. opps!! haha!! until we reach the..... what do u call tt.... the place which has lots of games machine de!!
at first, i rejected py for playing the basketball game end up i playing with her, during half way after the game starts. haha!! suddenly feel like playing ma!!! haha!!! end up both of us scored 400 over points sia!! wat a great partner man!! haha!! i never scored so much before sia!!
this was my first time sia!! thanks to py!! haha!!!
Again...after playing, the girls complaining they thirsty, so we decide to get drinks from that bubble tea shop. before i starts to hungry, i was tempted by the menu(the pasta). after a few mins of waiting, the food appears in front of me!! I had a mouthful of the pasta, n its was true to say tt~do not judge a book by its cover, so today i learned something new today! tt is
~do not judge the taste by its picture!!! ohoh!!! haha!! like i agreed with pig, we can cook better than this la!... haha!! the best part is when the uncle asked me how the taste like? i jus simply anwered him tt i don't really eat pasta de!! then he totally speechless sia!! haha!!!
Back to tpy....
at e end of the day we gather ev

but lucky we took some pics before she goes! (; well, hope we can meet up as a group again!!! take care everyone!!! (:
After a long day..... as usual, tt fishball meet us out for supper again. so we had supper at mac which located at nearby alan's bus stop there. i surppose tt fishball in a good mood today, cos she treated me nuggets!!! wow haha!!! she ordered a 20pcs nuggets! end up she can't finish it so i was force to finsh it! which makes me damn full!! haha!!
this is how i spent day today!! (:
~spent your life to the fullest!!!
I'm finally free now!!!
ever since I'm out of that company,
i feeling damn good sia!!!
no more stress!!! haha!!!
so relaxes!!
I'm enjoying my life now!!!
of cos I'm feeling sad too la.
i also don't bear to leave.....
but for the sake of my happiness....
i still feel damn happy to leave!!! WEEE!!
haha!!! prepare for the same old Esther!
I'm back again!! no more emo days!!
haha!!! the funny Esther is back on track again!!!
lets welcome me back again!! lame... -_-!!
~Be happy!! (;
Thursday, January 21, 2010
50 : 50
when i was half way doing closing.
he know that I'm resigning.
n told me lots of things,
including his family problems
i was rather shock when he told me all this
he also added that he seldom talk
so much to anyone.
n of cos i was pleased to hear that,
i know he's a nice boss.
he treated me well
i also don wish to disappoint him
he wants me to stay n help him.
he knows my strong points n weak points
he said he need someone like me in his company
someone who has lots of new ideas.
out of sudden he look at me into my eyes, n
I was totally speechless, when he look at me,
and says "i really need your help...Tan"
my heart was sink at that moment.
i was shocked.
when i look at his eyes, i can feel that he really wants me to stay
at that moment i actually had a urge to tell him that
i will stay on and help u....
but my other part of me insist to quit
everyone in the company don't wish to loose me.
but all my friends and my family members
support me for leaving.
me, myself wanted to leave but also wanted to stay.
help!!! can someone help me with this!!!!!!!!
(advices needed)
Monday, January 18, 2010
bad days.......
Ever since my grandma passes away,
my life is totally sucks!
facing lots of 'never ending' problems
first, is my work problem
they keep thinking, i'm selfish
i only think of myself.
never spare a thoughts for others,
i love myself more than people around me.
i betray them, for leaving them
i'm ruthless.
now they say that i want to have a clear cut with them.
oh pls!
whose the one who started it first?
ya! i know u guys treated me well.
but i have been treated like dog!
shouted at me infront of anyone
teased me in front of customers
comparing me and my staff!
scolded me like hell, over a small matter
work overtime almost everyday!
work so hard, and this the result i get.
what i did, is lesser than what i get back.
i was stupid enough to say that i want stay there forever!!!
if my pay will have much better then before,
they beg to stay, i wont stay lor pls!!!
i have my pride!
i will not ill-treated myself because of money!
and i have better offer outside
y would i want to stay and treated like a slave?!!
feeling unsure.
donno should i step forward or not?
what if i take the wrong steps?
will it be more worst?
i'm jus afraid.
but if i never tried,
i will never know e answer.
jus scared.........
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Quiet day....
its was an quiet day.
the mall wasn't crowded
the shop is totally quiet without the music on
no laughers, no noisers.
feeling emptyness.
lot of things running through my mind
my soul was away from my body
floating away, to somewhere.
(Wondering soul)
i just scolded my staff today, realised that a lot of thing she don't even know how to handle or even the price of an item. she been working here for at least four months or maybe longer. but how can she don't even know the basic stuffs? i really got nothing to say. everyone agree that she's the worst one but sometimes i keep wondering is it partly my fault? cause i admit that i always spent the least time with her. cause i would rather busy teaching other staffs especially those fast learners. i know this has been unfair to her, but i must have one of staff have to complete it first right? if not, all of my staffs only know a bit of that n a bit of another stuffs. then it will never be a ending story right? actually my thoughts is to teach these staff that capable first, so after they complete it, i can mainly focus on her. but this company like to shift staffs around. bloody hell can!!! sometimes i teach so well end up my staff at another outlet. -_-
but what to do? its my duty to train new staff ma.... but seriously i enjoy working as a so called "trainer". ha ha!!!
a supervisor will never be a easy role.
The Truth of an Supervisor.
To act as a Bomb shelter,
for each time the "sky" drops a bomb .....
you'll be the first one to get it.
To act as a superhero,
so at any time your staff needs help,
you'll must be there for them....
To act as a technician,
so for any machine or stocks damage or faulty,
you must try to fix it....
To act as a counsellor,
so whenever your staff is feeling depressed or down,
you'll be the one who counsel them...
To act as a doctor,
so in order not let your staff get sick leave,
you'll be the one who monital their health....
See!!! supervisor don't only act as a role.
add up all together, by right we have 5 roles to act as!!!
isn't tough??? ha ha!!!
(A multi purpose supervisor)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Why things become like this,
I also don't know,
what i want.
committed so much,
its true i that i did not
gain nothing.
but I'm just feeling tired of
every little thing.
sales bad, what can i do?
force people to buy?
shop messy,
trying my best to arrange
everything in order.
neat n tidy.
but any compliment?
yes? maybe.
working for long hours,
having fun,
at times.
having stress,
most of the time.
decided to leave
but i was asked to stay.
i was told that
everything can be adjust
even the working hours.
suddenly had a
urge to stay.
but when think back,
the days i had
its tiring.
i was told that
I'm a good worker
because of,
my commitment and
not my performance.
so what's the point of
there's no point of staying.
its indeed that i been
treated well.
but there's thing which
wouldn't explain in words nor
expressing either.
a part of me, don't bear to leave.
other part of me, wish
i would leave asap.
what's wrong with me?
why can't i make up my mind?
but i was afraid to start all over again
i was afraid to adept,
a different place,
a different working style,
a bunch of new working friends.
i don't mind that i quit as a RS
n start all over again as a staff.
but I'm just afraid of .....
well, i not sure what i afraid of?
this is not the first time.
then what is the barrier
that stopping me?
can someone tell me?
I'm stuck'in underneath.
don't know should i get out
or just leave me alone.
(someone who is lost)
Monday, January 11, 2010
life without her.
i should the one feeling happy.
but I'm not. Why?
thought its already over?
she's already moving on.
i wish i would too
her image is all stores in my mind
can't get her out of it.
i would be happier if i would,
totally forget about her.
I'm selfish,
i took someone as a replacement.
end up both of us suffer.
its easy to say,
but it will never be easy to forget someone
whom you really love deeply with.
its hard for me to commit
on an brand new relationship.
cos I'm tired,
in fact, i dare not to.
in the past,
thought we would last
really thought of.
and i never ever imaged
that she actually fall for a guy.
a guy that ever cused us
out of so many guys out there
why she choose him?
is promises that she gave me
make me feel assure that
she wont leave me.
i gave her my whole heart
but she broke it.
i treated her so nice
always give in to her
whatever she wants,
i will my best to get for her.
but end up what I get in return?
seeing her holding hands
with that fucker?
I guess i had already lost
hope in relationship.
i really don't dare to step into it.
its like a deep pool,
without any flooding object and
at any moment i can be drowned.
it has become a phobia.
a nightmare.
how i wish i can ease everything part of her.
at least i will feel better and i can start moving on.
hope things will come to the end.
anyway i also want her to be happy.
that's my wish for her(: